Laura Evans Mahn,
Founder, Executive Director
Hi. I’m Rev. Laura Evans Mahn, founder of NEST Café (Nourish Everyone Sustainably Together) and I’m excited to invite you to be nourished.
Several years ago, having pastored churches and worked in a variety of nonprofit organizations, a vague idea began to form in my mind. It was constantly bumping into the connection between the food we eat and our well-being. I watched people I cared about eat nothing but packaged, highly processed foods from convenience store shelves, from fast food restaurants or from soup kitchens because that was what was available to them. Many of them were struggling with medical issues, such as diabetes or heart disease. The food that their money or time allowed them to eat was filling their bellies but making their health (and therefore their financial) situations worse. Meanwhile, other people I cared about were sitting down at tables, spending time together, eating fresh vegetables and fruits, sustainably raised meats, and local dairy products because they had the time and money to afford them. Couldn’t there be some sort of balance that would allow all these people to eat together? Shouldn’t everyone have the chance to not just eat, but be nourished?
The idea began to take shape as I imagined a restaurant where everyone could eat really good, nutritious food, whether they could pay for it or not. I thought I was BRILLIANT! It turns out, there are a lot of brilliant people out there – a whole network of them! I eventually discovered One World Everybody Eats, a network of pay-what-you-can restaurants around the U.S. that is committed to the very same principles I was dreaming about. Soon, the first little twigs of NEST Café were being knit together.
Amazing things can happen around a table. I look forward to sharing some of those experiences with you.
Meet our Director of Programs, Mel Hurley!
My name is Mel and I am absolutely thrilled to be coming to NEST Café. A native of Sterling, I have been working in both food and social service spaces since graduating college in 2015. NEST Cafe is the perfect combination of two things I love, nutritious food and making sustainable connections in community.
Meet our Chef, Laura Harwell!
Hi, I’m Laura Harwell. I’m a Marine Veteran and a Mom of two boys. In 2021 I decided to get a degree in Culinary Arts. After my first degree I decided to pursue two more degrees within the Culinary Arts field. My cultural background has allowed me to experience many different cuisines and an array of flavors. I was drawn to NEST because of their unique service to the community, they don’t just serve the community, they ARE the community. I look forward to feeding, and serving you.
Beth Samuelson is our Kitchen Assistant & Baker Extraordinaire! Beth puts a lot of love into everything she bakes and it makes ALL the difference!
Olivia Brooks
Olivia is our Sous Chef and heads up our Take & Bake Program. Olivia is working toward a degree in Culinary Arts and is excited to continue her culinary journey by cooking with nutrient dense ingredients at NEST
Board of Directors
Thurgood Brooks, President
Sergio Mendoza, Director
Andrea Parer, Vice President
Katie Thompson, Director
Daryl Empen, Treasurer
Diane Kinser, Director
Nina Struss, Secretary
Cecilia Ortega, Director